Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) is a very precise analytical technique, used to non-destructive measurement of e.g. material composition.
The equipment can also be used for elemental (basic substances) identification and calculation of materials and material composition.

EDX can, for example, be used for examination and analysis of:
- Components
- Composition of materials in and on component terminations
- Detection of materials in/on components
- Detection of materials in/on component terminations
- Detection of elements (basic substances) in e.g. contamination in/on components
- Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)
- Composition of PCB surface finish e.g. ENIG (Nickel (Ni)/Phosphorous (P) content)
- Detection of elements (basic substances) in PCB materials
- Detection of elements (basic substances) in e.g. contamination in/on PCB